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Reside : Cowork : Repurpose : Give your food scraps a second life 

An environmentally creative residency living project in

the salty jungle surf paradise of Playa Maderas, Nicaragua. Where strangers are no longer strangers and nothing is absolutely everything.


Where dirt is just as cool as surfing

where zero is better than 100

and day dreams are supported as the next biggest idea. 


The Jungle Prologue.

Gather Prologue Anchor

In times of wavering uncertainty, we dare to be slowed. Not a mere reposition from societal normalities, but an altered state of being, intentional and cultivated with the sensitivity to the transience of time. We succumb to cycles of muddled havoc, by breaching deep reflections, allowing the space for repurposing insights, food, land, time, and space - the things that keep us whole. The Agora by Ploos braves the ordinaries, embraces the imperfect, the strange and the raw. Not the conventional supermarket bought bananas that have traveled further than we ever did, but the sweetest, the unaltered, the ones that bend the tree a bit further than expected to let you know they are ripe.


The Agora has been quietly unfolding since 2021 in Playa Maderas, Nicaragua. The transformation of a dormant plot of land into a finca devoted to dialogue around giving food scraps a second life, regenerating soil and sharing time in nature with people who were once strangers. Simply this, has opened the door to a new kind of hospitality. We start to assemble a community of creatives, farmers, writers, artists, ocean lovers, wave catchers, and happy humans whose ideas summon to be aligned with nature-first; not a pit stop for the conventional, but rather a total reimagined meaning of values for living, being, and working through the re-creation of space.

Nicaragua Summer 2021-169.JPG


  • Co Live + Co Create




  • Invest in the mission 

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